Mwaligulu Primary School
Early 2011 KBF Foundation was approached by a former student of the Mwaligulu Primary School (and former deputy head teacher of the Nimuyumba Primary School) with the question if the foundation would be interested in visiting the Mwaligulu Primary School as it was facing a number of problems. Firstly, the classrooms were about to collapse and classes were consequently held outside under a tree. The only available toilet had collapsed and also water supply was short as the school had no water tank. The Foundation entered in talks with the director and parent committee to discuss a combined renovation program. This resulted in KBF Foundation accepting to support the school in November 2011.
- The Mwaligulu Primary School has 344 pupils of which 173 girls and 171 boys;
- The school consisted/consists of 10 classrooms and a staff room;
- The KCPE results ( cf. CITO test ) for 2015 amounted to an average of 212 points, compared to last year it is not an improvement (235 points). Given the circumstances in which the school has had to operate and the number of children participated the test (47 pupils) the result is satisfactory;
- The community of Mwaligulu has 780 residents.